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Create a new event

  1. Go to Bp Logo Home > Veranstaltung 48 Events > Neuanlage New.
  2. If you have a template for similar events, select > vorlage va 32 New from template.
  3. Enter a date, start time and guest count. If the date is not fixed yet, enter a reference date and then select  kalender  > VA Ohne Datum 32 Undated.
  4. Select a status and status date (such as confirm-by date). Status and status date will determine how and when the event shows in the  InfoCenter 48 Info Centre and va raumuebersicht Room reservations.
  5. Link either an existing or a new account as Adresse 32 Organizer or, if applicable, Orderer or Invoice Adress.
  6. Enter an Event name (such as "50.Birthday").
  7. At the bottom of the window, select Rooms > neuexpand New either via Liste Room list or va raumuebersicht Room reservations.
  8. If you prefer, check room availability first by selecting Bp Logo Home > Veranstaltung 48 Events > va raumuebersicht Room reservations, then doubleclick the room and date to create a new event.
  9. In the left-hand navigation pane, create a new  Ablauf 48 Event schedule and Verknuepfen 48 link schedule items to individual bookings*.

Find linked records and data

  1. In the left-hand navigation pane, go to InfoCenter 48 Info Centre.
  2. Select the Datenquelle 48 Data sources you would like to see (such as Events, Appointments, Mails).
  3. SetFilter 32 Filters within each data source or go to Liste Related Lists and Reports.
  4. Filter for Benutzer Filter 48 your own records only.
  5. Save your settings under Views > Speichern Save > Benutzer User view, Gruppen Group view or Speichern Favorit Standard view.
  6. Create neu New records linked to the event. Only the type of records selected as data source will be available.

Create a quotation

  1. In the left-hand navigation pane, right-click Artikel Komponent 48 Quotation and enter a name to create a new quotation.
  2. Click on Neuanlage New or use the matchcode field to select and add sales items (such as food and beverages, staff, rooms, equipment).
  3. Add existing items to your quotation by clicking Neuanlage New expand 32> Artikel 48 Find items and entering the item name.
  4. Add new items on-the-fly by clicking neu 32 New expand 32> artikel gruppe 32 Item groups, selecting an item group and entering the item name.
  5. To create a proper new item, select Create new and save the new item with all mandatory fields filled. To save the item for this one occassion only, select One-off item.
  6. Right-click an existing quotation and create a Ordner Angebot Stern 32 New alternative quotation to copy the details of the original and add variations (buffet instead of set menu). The changes only apply to the alternative, not the original.
  7. For improved readability, create multiple quotations* for separate positions such as staff, food, beverages or reception, dinner, coffee break.
  8. In the horizontal toolbar, click Drucken 48 Print and select a suitable template to print out your quotation.

Send a quotation by email

  1. Go to Neu Aus 48 New > Briefe E Mails 48 Mail > Neuanlage New to select a suitable template and, in the toolbar, change the method of communication to E Mail 32 Email.
  2. If you would like to send the quotation itself as formatted attachment, go to the toolbar of the  Briefe E Mails 48 Text tab. In the Event Sheet entry field, call up a list of available templates by pressing Space+Tab and select a suitable template.
  3. If you are using an external email application, save the quotation by selecting Drucken 48 Print > Briefe E Mails 48 Text >  pdf PDF  and send it as an email attachment.

Create a sales order

  1. Convert your quotation into a sales order/contract by dragging individual quotations, alternatives or the entire Folder Ordner Angebot 32 Quotation to Bestellung 32 Sales Order.
  2. Add or change sales items, counts, rooms etc. at will. The original quotation will not be affected.
  3. Create Gaesteliste 32 Guest lists* to assign tables* or sell individual tickets* for the event. 
  4. Create custom Ordner Karten 32 Menu cards* from the selected items, adding individual texts as required.

* Modules Event schedule, Multi-Bookings, Appointments, Guestlists, Ticketing, Table Reservations

