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Create a new invoice

  1. Drag your Ordner Bestellung 32 Sales orders folder with your left mouse button pressed down onto the Ordner Rechnung 32 Invoice folder or create a new invoice by right-clicking Ordner Rechnung 32 Invoice > Rechnung 32 New invoice.
  2. If you hav emore than one sales order, choose between one invoice per booking or a collective invoice covering all sales orders.
  3. Enter a custom name for the invoice or accept the default by clicking OK.

Change or add to invoice data

  1. In the horizontal tolbar, click neu 32 expand 32New to add new artikel ItemsSumme0 32 Subtotals or Texte 32 Remarks.
  2. In the column Count, enter the actual consumption or, in column Count 2, the hours for items charged at an hourly rate.
  3. Edit prices directly in the Prices column.
  4. Compress 32 Collapse the list to remove any items with a zero count or without price.

Create an advance invoice

  1. Right-click Ordner Rechnung 32 Invoice  Rechnung Akonto 32 New advance invoice.
  2. Add the item "Deposit" (create item without price or other details in item group "Others"), enter the amount of the deposit under Price and enter the Count  "1".
  3. Generate the spreadsheet and print or email the document.
  4. Enter any payments against the advance invoice before assigning the advance incoice to a final invoice.
  5. Right-click n the final invoice and select Rechnung Akonto 32 Assign open advance invoice to assign both the invoice and any payments to the final invoice..

Create a credit note

  1. Right-click the faulty invoice and select Rechnung Gutschrift 32 Create new credit note.
  2. All items in the booking are copied with a minus sign in front of Count 1.
  3. Click on Rechenblatt 32 Spreadsheet and save to generate a consecutive number.
  4. From Vorgangsvorlagen 32 Invoive templates, select a "Credit note" template for printing.

Create a collective invoice

  1. Right-click Ordner Rechnung 32 InvoiceRechnung 32 New invoice and enter a custom name or accept the default name.
  2. Right-click again, select Sammel Rechnung 32 Convert to collective invoice and save the event by confirming the prompt. A new entry list will appear at the bottom of the window.
  3. Click neu 32 New in the toolbar of the new entry window to add partial invoices. The partial invoices must have the same invoice address, and belong to the same site and cost centre. Closed or rejected invoices are not eligible.
  4. Partial invoices created after the collective invoice can be added by right-clicking and selecting Teil Rechnung 32 Add to collective invoice.
  5. Select Close collective invoice at the top left-hand corner of the input window.

Print the invoice spreadsheet

  1. Go to Ordner Rechnung 32 Invoice > Rechenblatt 32 Spreadsheet and confirm the prompt by clicking Save to create a consecutive invoice number.
  2. If there is only one standard invoice template, this will be applied automatically.
  3. Select a different template or one of several standard templates from refresh 32 Standard or Vorgangsvorlagen 32 Invoice templates.

Send the invoice

  1. Print your invoice by clicking on drucker 32expand 32 > Print in the horizontal toolbar of the invoice, or save externally in a drucker 32expand 32pdf 32 PDF-Format
  2. Send your invoice as an  drucker 32expand 32E Mail 32 Email attchment. An email addressed to the invoice address and containing all event and booking references will open automatically.
  3. A Customer print, as opposed to a Proof copy, contains a valid invoice date which will impact the dunning run.
